Before You Start
This documentation assumes that the Kubernetes cluster has been created and that you have access to it.
The cluster used for implementation was a GKE 1.19
Change the URL to your test domain
- Kubernetes cluster
- nginx-ingress as ingress controller
- kubectl
- unzip
- apache-utils (Apache Benchmark package for load testing)
Installing Kubeless
Export the environment variable by fetching the latest Kubeless version from the git repository.
export RELEASE=$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)
Execute the command to install Kubeless on the cluster
kubectl create -f$RELEASE/kubeless-non-rbac-$RELEASE.yaml
Check if the Kubeless controller is running correctly (Running)
kubectl get pods -n kubeless
Installing the Kubeless CLI
Export the environment variable to set the operating system.
export OS=$(uname -s| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
Execute the curl command to download and install the Kubeless CLI.
mkdir -p ~/bin; curl -OL$RELEASE/kubeless_$ && unzip kubeless_$ mv bundles/kubeless_$OS-amd64/kubeless ~/bin; chmod +x ~/bin/kubeless
Check if the command was installed correctly
kubeless -h
Implementing a Sample Go Function
Clone the example repository
git clone
Enter the directory and execute the command to create the Function
cd using-kubernetes-as-a-serverless-platform/ kubeless function deploy goserverless --cpu 100m --runtime go1.14 --handler helloget.Hello --from-file helloget.go --dependencies go.mod
Create the trigger that will be used to activate the Function created earlier
kubeless trigger http create goserverless --function-name goserverless --hostname --gateway nginx
Create the test Autoscale rule, allowing for simple load testing
kubeless autoscale create goserverless --min 1 --max 1000 --metric cpu --value 1
Wait a few minutes for resource creation and test the endpoint
curl --header "Host:" --header "Content-Type:application/json" --data '{"message": "Hello World from Kubeless"}'
Simple Load Test
Run the load test with Apache Benchmark
ab -n 50000 -c 1000
Check if the nodes are scaling
watch kubectl get nodes